Sunday, June 21, 2009

2 months!!!

Today is Father's Day and Drake is exactly 2 months old. VERY exciting!
He really isn't doing anything new besides smiling alot more! He loves to watch himself in the mirror and watch the animals on his mobile. I also bought him a play mat and he just lays on the floor and kicks around on that and stares at the lights. It's very cute!

I weighed him at Jill's house today and he was 12.5 lbs, so right on track! His 2 month appointment is on Wednesday and he will be getting weighed, measured, and unfortunately some shots. I might have Cornell take him for that though because I'm not sure if I will be able to handle it! I almost started crying when he was a week old and had to get his heel pricked. Very traumatic!
He also had his first sleepover at Nana and Papa's this weekend. After 2 months, I had never been away from him for more than an hour, so my mom offered to watch him for the weekend. It was a much needed break but I definitely missed him. I called quite a bit to check on him, and when I got there to pick him up I couldn't take my hands off of him

Here are some pictures taken in the last few weeks!
We were watchin TV together--Untold Stories of the ER--Future Doctor!!!
First smile I got on Camera. He does not like the red light that comes before the picture!

Showing off his crazy, untameable hair!

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