Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Much has happened!

I haven't posted for quite a while. A lot has happened since then. Drake is all over the place. You may lay him on a blanket on the floor, and he is off of it within a couple of minutes. He sits up all by himself now also, which is really helpful when it comes to bath time! He also went through a little sickness with Aunt Shelbi. I took him to the doctors last Monday, and he was tested for H1N1. They called me a little later and said that it came back positive. Very scary! Since he is so young, there wasn't anything we could give him. We just had to make sure he rested a lot, and that he was drinking something at all times. His fever was gone by Wednesday, but his cough was getting worse. I took him back to the doctor on Thursday, and she said that he now had bronchitis. She gave me a breathing treatment machine and told me to do that with him 4 times a day. It has been a long week and a half, but I'm very glad he is getting better. It was hard seeing him so miserable.

At his appointment on Monday, he was 21 pounds and 27 inches. On Thursday, he was 21 pounds 2 oz, and 27 1/2 inches. He's a big boy. But of course we have known that for a while!
We also had a new development this morning. I gave him a bath and put him in his bed to play while I got him some clothes together. When I turned around to take his clothes back over there...I saw him staring back at me! He had actually pulled himself up and was on his knees! What a strong guy!
It was also Cornell's birthday on the 1st, and we made a little sign for him!

He then started to chew to on it.

And here's a few other pictures I thought were cute!

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