Monday, April 27, 2009

Drake's Birth Story

On Sunday, April 19th at 2:30 in the morning I went into the hospital after I fell heading into the bathroom and didn't feel him move for 30 minutes. After watching me for an hour, they saw I was having irregular contractions so they decided to watch me for another 24 hours. On Monday the 20th, Dr. Shaw came to check on me, I was dilated to a "tight two" (I was at a 1 the day before) and I asked if we could go ahead and induce since I already had an induction date for just a week later. She agreed and started filling out the paperwork.

At 9:45 they gave me Cytotech (a pill to ripen my cervix) and by 11:45 I was having contractions 1-3 minutes apart. They started me on pitocin at 2:00 and at 3 they came in to give me my epidural. The first try they missed and put it in a blood vessel making a pain shoot down my right leg, my pulse shot up to 130, and I couldn't hear anything they were saying. They tried again 5 minutes later, and at 3:45 they were finished. At 4:00 I was 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and his head was "very low". At 5:10 the nurse turned the pitocin off and put me on an oxygen mask because the contractions were coupling and Drake wasn't getting a break, stressing him out and making his heartbeat drop. At 6:20 Dr. Shaw came in and broke my water and I was at a 4. Despite my water being broke, and the steady contractions, at 7:05 I was only 4 1/2 cm dilated. By 8:05 I was 5, and at 8:30 the pitocin was turned off because he was stressed again. At 10:10 I was still at a 5, and at 11:30 I was finally completely effaced but only at a 6. At 1:30 I was only at 6 1/2, and at 3:05 a.m I was at an 8 and had been having very strong contractions for over 2 hours. At 4:10 I was at a 9 with a bit of a lip and the baby was at a 0 station. I started pushing at 5:05 and at 5:49 a.m Drake DaMon Walls made his debut weighing in at 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long.

Cornell cut the cord and they laid him on my stomach. I was so exhausted, couldn't breath, and the oxygen mask was actually making it worse and drying my throat and mouth out. They took him over to the warmer and cleaned him off, weighed him, and got his foot prints. Everyone came in and got their pictures to send to everyone, then left Cornell and I alone to spend time with our little man.

Drake is absolutely perfect. We got released on the 23rd and my mom, Chelsea, Cole, Jill, and Maddie were the first to visit us at home. Maddie wasn't too interested in him, but Cole was glad to have someone he could pick on since he got beat up on by Maddie! We have our first appointment with the pediatrician next week, and after losing 9 oz after birth, hopefully he will have gained most of it back!

Us before our little angel was born.

Our new family!

When the epidural was working! It was GREAT!

And not so much anymore...started to wear off about 3 hours before he was born!

His profile, looks just like he did on the sono picture!

So perfect!!
Drake and his big cousin Cole!
All of the sisters and cousins!

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