Tuesday, February 9, 2010

9 month pics

Drake went and got his 9 month pictures taken 2 weeks ago, and they are now up on: http://www.magicwandphotography.com/
Under recent photos click more, and find his name. The password is damon.
I can't believe the next session is going to be his 1 year. Where has the time gone?! Everyone always says that, but seriously it has FLOWN by. I've already teared up a bit just looking at old pictures, and I can already tell I'm going to be a mess on his birthday!

We do have an update on the teeth situation!
He finally got his first tooth on January 17th while he was at daddy's. I've tried getting a picture of it but he will not let me get anywhere near his mouth!
He also wants to feed himself and has a huge fit if anyone tries to feed him. He's got a little temper on him and is very independent. His balance is also getting a lot better and will stand on his own every once in a while! Here's a few pictures of him feeding himself some yogurt!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Horrible blogger

I am a horrible blogger. It has been almost 2 months since I updated! So much has happened I don't even know where to start. Drake pulled himself up for the first time on November 9th, when he was only 6 1/2 months old.

He and Cornell had a blast together over Thanksgiving break. I took some pictures of them wrestling, and of course Cornell kissing all over him. He can't keep his lips off of him! It is hard to get a good picture of him though because he is now making some cheesy smile whenever he sees the camera. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Drake's 6 month pictures are up on the website. He wasn't in a very good mood so there aren't many with him smiling, but she set up some pretty cute props! Here is the website and password.
password: DaMon
Just click on Drake Walls on the bottom and it will take you there!

6 months

So Drake was 6 months on the 21st. He's halfway there to the big 1! At his appointment he weighed 22lbs 9 oz, and was 28 inches long. 100% for weight, and 90-95% in height, so he's a big boy all together!
We were also told when he was born, that they would like to do an ultrasound on his kidneys because of his skin tags, so we went to the hospital and did that. The sonographer said that he was a great, and that most babies cry the entire time, but he didn't! He, of course, just tried to grab the wand and help her. The test came back normal though, so there's nothing wrong with his kidneys!
Dr. Mcdaniel also said that if we want to, then he can get his skin tags taken off at 1. We could go to Children's Mercy, or KU med if we want them off before then, but he hasn't noticed them yet, and they don't bother me so I'm not in any hurry.
He has also been army crawling for about 3 weeks. It is the cutest thing, but he's also into EVERYTHING. He's such a trouble maker!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Much has happened!

I haven't posted for quite a while. A lot has happened since then. Drake is all over the place. You may lay him on a blanket on the floor, and he is off of it within a couple of minutes. He sits up all by himself now also, which is really helpful when it comes to bath time! He also went through a little sickness with Aunt Shelbi. I took him to the doctors last Monday, and he was tested for H1N1. They called me a little later and said that it came back positive. Very scary! Since he is so young, there wasn't anything we could give him. We just had to make sure he rested a lot, and that he was drinking something at all times. His fever was gone by Wednesday, but his cough was getting worse. I took him back to the doctor on Thursday, and she said that he now had bronchitis. She gave me a breathing treatment machine and told me to do that with him 4 times a day. It has been a long week and a half, but I'm very glad he is getting better. It was hard seeing him so miserable.

At his appointment on Monday, he was 21 pounds and 27 inches. On Thursday, he was 21 pounds 2 oz, and 27 1/2 inches. He's a big boy. But of course we have known that for a while!
We also had a new development this morning. I gave him a bath and put him in his bed to play while I got him some clothes together. When I turned around to take his clothes back over there...I saw him staring back at me! He had actually pulled himself up and was on his knees! What a strong guy!
It was also Cornell's birthday on the 1st, and we made a little sign for him!

He then started to chew to on it.

And here's a few other pictures I thought were cute!

Monday, August 24, 2009

4 month appointment!

Today was Drake's 4 month appointment. He weighed in at a whopping 19 lbs 7 oz and was 25 1/2 inches long. He was off the charts for weight, and was in the 75th percentile for height. He also has reflux so he now has a prescription for zantac, so hopefully that will work!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Pics!

So I'm always being told to put pictures on more often, so here are a couple from this weekend!