Friday, July 24, 2009

3 month pics

On Wednesday we went and had Drake's 3 month picture's taken. He was in a pretty good mood but just didn't want to smile. He was too distracted by the pretty flash! If you guys want to see them go to click on Drake Walls, and the password is damon. I don't think she put all of them on there, but there are some pretty cute ones!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3 months!

So, today Drake is a whole 3 months old! He isn't doing anything much different, but he now LOVES to look at himself in the mirror. He also got his first haircut yesterday. More like a trim, but he was starting to look like a homeless person, and since he has his 3-month pictures tomorrow, we had to get rid of that! He looks so clean now, like a little man! He can also sit all on his own for short periods. I think it might be because he leans forward, and his giant belly stops him from going forward! He even tries to get up on his knees like he is going to crawl, but his legs aren't strong enough. We have a few more months for that. I have a video, and some pictures to enjoy!

Nana got him a new lovey and he LOVES it!

He had just had a bath so his hair was a little crazy. He's still a little stud!

